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Finding a Professional Genealogist

Compiled by Peter Haas & Phyllis Kramer



This InfoFile is for JewishGen users interested in finding professional for-fee genealogical researchers experienced in various aspects of genealogical research in Eastern Europe.  This material has been collected from users of JewishGen who have had experiences dealing with such professionals.  Neither JewishGen nor those volunteers who have assembled, organized, and published this material assume any responsibility for the completeness and accuracy of the data.  Users of this InfoFile are strongly encouraged to get in touch with any researcher listed, in order to get further information about his/her qualifications, skills and fees.

Additional caveats and cautions about hiring for-fee researchers can be found in the JewishGen InfoFile “Hiring a Professional Genealogist”.

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Genealogists Recommended by JewishGen Users

The names of the researchers below are in alphabetical order, by surname.  (Click on any column header to sort alphabetically by that column).

Researcher's Name & Residence Email & Website

(click on header to sort on any column)
When and Where was most of the Research done? Referring JewishGenner’s Name & E-mail Brief Overview
of the Completed Research Project
Bieniaszewska, Anna; Torun Prussia (West) / Poland; 2006 David Lewin Archive Research. Transcribing old German handwriting. Provide me with wide ranging documentation and background about my father's wider family
Buck, Gerhard Germany, Hessen/Nassau (West of Frankfurt) John Paul Lowens Archive Research/document translations from old German records. He translates from Latin, French, Hebrew and archaic German dialects. Speaks and writes English fluently.
Cebulski, Tomasz ; Cracow, Poland Galicia/Poland; 2007/2008 Mady Land Archive Research/document translations/city guide/photos. Also creation of family trees
Chastina, Alla; Kishinev, Moldova and
Moldova ;
Ariel Parkansky
Robert Wascou
Archive Research; Work different Archives in Kishinev/Bender. Initial fee 100USD no committed result. Results took longer than expected and varied. Please contact JewishGen member for additional information by clicking on members name in the column to the left.
Chymshyl, Victoria
Rivne, Ukraine Ukraine;
Steven Katz Archive Research. Document Translations. Photos of documents found. Preparation of Tree. Victoria was extremely efficient; found numerous relevant documents in a very short period of time, extremely responsive to questions and messages, reasonable fee. Easy and enjoyable to work with.
Cvetkovic, Stasa Novi Sad, Serbia> Hungary, now Serbia, 2011 Susan Wichter Document translation/City Guide. With his car, journeyed to two ancestral towns in the countryside of Serbia with great historical information of the area. Accompanied us to the gov't office.
Denysenko , Alex; Lviv, Ukraine;
Facebook: Alex Den
Ukraine; (1)2009-2010 (2)2011-2016 Richard Stoneand
(2)Marla Raucher
Archive Research/document translations/City Guide/Photos. Alex visited the archives in Khmelnitsky, Ukraine to research our family records. He also researched and led two family tours for us to Western Ukraine and to Galicia in May 2010.
(2)All of the above plus Travel in Ukraine and Moldova twice each year since 2011; project participation in Rohatyn Jewish Heritage
Dunai,Alexander; Lviv, Ukraine; Ukraine ;
(1) Neal Zank ; and
(2) Sol Sylvan
Neal: Archive Research/document translations Sol: Archive Research/document translations/city guide. Found our families in 5 towns back to 1750
Feigmanis, Aleksandrs
Riga, Latvia
(2) 2015
Carola Murray-Seegertand
(2) Susana Leistner Bloch
Photos of city. Aleksandrs provided photos and video for the Byerazino KehilaLink. He also can offer archive research to ca. 1770, cemetery research, document translation, city guiding and wi9ll create detailed genealogical reports in booklet form. (2) city guide
Glikson, Carlos; Buenos Aires, Argentina Argentina; 2009-2010 Howard Orenstein Interpreted communications between me and my relatives; prior to our visit he contacted my relatives by phone and email, and acted as our interpreter when we visited
Gyemant, Ladislau; Cluj-Napoca, Romania Romania; 2005--2010 Rosanne Leeson Archive Research. Document Translations. Researched and translated about 2 dozen family documents. Has also assisted and advised ROM-SIG, and its members, lectured at IAJGS Conferences, written chapter on Romanian research for Avotaynu Guide. Be as specific as possible in what you are asking for. Always establish a fee above which you do not wish to go, and request a report back when the amount has been reached. You can then decide if you wish to have a further research done. This can save a shock when the bill arrives
Huber, Baruch (Bela)
Uzhgorod (Ungvar), Ukraine

Transcarpathia (Ukraine, Eastern Slovakia, Hungary)
(1) Mordechai Friedman (1)Archive Research/doct translations/tour guide. Arranged a root trip in Transcarpathia, Hungary and Slovakia. Performed archival research in Transcarpathia (including photos of original documents and official certificates needed for Hungarian citizenship.)
Gabor, Adam
Cluj-Napoca, Romania
(1)Yisroel Weber (1)Archive Research/doct translations/photos. Exclusive research and knowledge, and done without delays for very reasonable prices!
Jankowski, Tomasz,
Lviv, Ukraine Poland: Piortrkow Trybunalski, Wroclaw
Ukraine: Crimea
2013 (2)
(1) Dina Feldman (2) Sharon Zane (1)Archive Research/doct translations/tour guide. Tomasz is very familiar with the Jewish history of Poland, speaks fluent Polish, English & Hebrew and has access to Ukrainian, Russian and Yiddish. He is an academic researcher. A very reliable and pleasant person. (2)Combed archives; copies and translates documents; helped untangle puzzles; too photos
Jurca, Dan; Sibiu, Romania Romania; 2009/2010 Brooke Schreier Ganz Archive Research . Dan digitally photographed pre-1896 Jewish record books at the Baia Mare Archives for the Maramaros Jewish Records Indexing Project, and put the images on DVD. He also made copies of the archives' register book inventory lists. Dan speaks English, is easy to work with, is reliable, his prices are reasonable, and he accepts payment via PayPal. I highly recommend him.
Klauzinska , Kamila
Zdunska Wola, Poland
Daniel Wagner Archive/USC research (copies, translations) in many Polish archives. Cemetery research. Travels throughout Poland. Speaks English, French, Polish, reads Cyrillic. Very pleasant personality. Did a superb job. Strongly recommended.
Klenovsky, Jaroslav
Bruno; Movaria, Czech Republic Czech Republic; 2007/2008 (2)2009 Eva Browne (2)Irene Daily Archive Research/city guide. Jaroslav is an architect employed by the Jewish community of Brno to restore Jewish sites. He reads English, but speaks only Czech and German. He drove us to the towns where my ancestors lived and has done some research for me at very moderate fees. Irene: Archive Research. Photos. Followed up on basic data, made handwritten trees and sent notes from the archives and censuses. He writes in German although understands English
Koltai, Andras; Budapest, Hungary; Hungary; 2010;
Richard Moss
Margarita Lacko
Stuart Unger
Richard: Archive Research. Document Translations; cemetery search. Andras found B/M/D & legal records in central & regional archives. Took us on trip to Paszto Jewish Cemetary & villages of interest. Translated documents from Hungarian & German into English. Very helpful and we enjoyed meeting him.
Margarita: Archive Research; Photographs; Found my grandfather's death date (which I searched for years), took photos of tombstones. Through his guidance, I found information on another branch. Very reliable and knowledgeable - English, German and French. Speaker at IAJGS New York 2006.
Stuart: “Has passion for Jewish genealogy… Helped put together family tree and served as guide during our visit. Very familiar with history and culture. Goes "the extra mile"….Kind & generous.”
Koszewska, Julia; Warsaw, Poland; Galicia/ Warsaw, Poland; 2009-2010 Nicolas Trokiner Document Translations; City Guide. Provided information on Jewish sites worth seeing in the town, and translated documents.
Kristof, Pataricza;
Budapest Hungary Hungary
Ann Wunsch City Guide, Photos. Kristof, who is a qualified architect, guided us through Budapest, took us to Jewish cemeteries, cultural and religious sites; is well educated in the history of Budapest and Hungary and was a charming and informative travel guide.
Lipes, Nadia

Kiev, Ukraine;
Ukraine: Kiev and other Ukrainian cities




Sylvia Walowitz and Fern Blood and Judi Wagner Sylvia: Archive Research/document translations. Ukraine archive search & translation--English, Hebrew. Has contacts w/local communities. Heritage tours, cemetery research. Fluent English, Hebrew, Russian, Ukranian languages. Fern: To reduce cost, Ms. Lipes combined work for me with others in the same archive, finding & translating birth records from 1906 & 1909. Ms. Lipes was very responsive, and her work was thorough, accomplished, and provided in a timely manner. Judi: Nadia found, retrieved and translated the 1897,1858 and 1850 revision (census); she did so in a timely manner and helped me break brick walls.
Muller, Julius; Praque, Czech Republic;; Czech. Republic; 2009/2010;
(2)before 2005
(1) Peter Haas ;
(2) Diane Jacobs
Archive Research/document translations. To research Czech B/M/D and census data in order to identify as many 19th and/or 18th century ancestors as possible.
(2) Archive Research/document translations/city guide On the basis of the name and birthplace of a ggf, Julius found family records going back another 3 generations and provided copies and translations. He also acted as a guide and took me to the village where the family lived
Noshkina, Tatiana (Tanya);
Lviv, Ukraine Ukraine (Galicia); 2012 Sherri Venezia Archive Research/document translations. City Guide. Tanya provided archival information before trip, met us at airport, Lviv city tour, including all Holocaust and former Jewish areas. We went to my ancestral towns and hamlets, interviewed locals there.
Paley, Vladimir
Moskow, Russia
Carola Murray-Seegert Archive Research/document translations. Discovered vital records from 1876 in the Moscow Synagogue archives and translated them. Found documents for me where other researchers failed. Mr. Paley speaks flluent English and accepts payment through PayPal.
Prokop, Yulia Ukraine, Odessa
Phyllis Kramer Archive Research/document translations. Yulia is easy to communicate with, estimates research costs in advance and produces excellent work. Easily paid through moneygram.
Rapaport, Gabor Hungary & Austria
Robert Schwartz Identify will beneficiaries, obtain probate and distribute proceeds. Mr Rapaport identified me as one of the beneficiaries of the will of my late Aunt who passed away in Austria. He sought and obtained probate and then distributed proceeds
Ravve, Roman
Aleksandrovka, Ukraine (1)Ukraine, 2016
(2)Kiev Oblast, 2016
(3)Ukraine, Russia, Manchuria, China2017
(1) David Goldman (2) Michael Barrie (3)Anne Atkinson Archive Research/document translations. (1) Since 2016 Roman has arranged my contacts and communications with archives in Ukraine, Belarus and Russia, has communicated with archives, and found materials online relevant to my ancestral family members and towns.(2)Searched Archives and databases, found census records, birth marriage & death records (3)extensive archival research and translations (directories, newspapers etc). Romans language skills and attention to detail are excellent. Has university qualifications in Jewish History.
Krakow, Poland Poland
Debbie Wiener Archive Research/document translations/city guide/photos. Viola researched in the archives, translated documents and also telephoned people who I thought might be able to help in tracking my grandparents. She travelled to different cities and when I visited we travelled together. She was terrific.
Lublin, Poland
Eastern Poland/ Western Ukraine;
Sharon Zane City Guide/Provides Local Historians
Agata planned our visit, arranged transportation, hired historian to accompany us, guided us throughout. ROOTKA maintains network of qualified researchers in area, one of whom I had used previously. Extremely satisfied with Agata and Rootkatours!
Royzner, Anna;
Dunayivtsi, Chmelnytsky, Ukraine
Arnold Chamove Archive Research/document translations/city guide. Drove us to towns. Took us to meet relatives. Research at reasonable fee. English teacher.
Researched archives to find B/M/D records for family surname; provided background information on the city of family origin. Communicates fluently in English; provides prompt replies to questions and delivers reports in a timely manner.
Rychlik, Grazyna; Warsaw, Poland; Galicia/ Poland



Philip Freidenreich

Sarah Levinson

Archive Research/document translations. Books of Residents, BMD records in Warsaw, Grojec, Mogielnica; prepared Excel spreadsheet of data

Researched archives to find B/M/D records for family surname;provided additional backround information on the city of family origen Communicates fluently in English,provides prompt replies to questions and delivers reports in a timely manner ..

Saksonov, Alexander;
Vinnitsa, Ukraine; Ukraine; 2010 Harriet Kasow Archive Research. Document Translations. City Guide. Driver. Archive research, translator to English of documents and interviews, photographed documents
Schroeder, Petje; Lodz, Poland Galicia/Poland; (1)2005-2010 Philip Freidenreich (1) Archive Research/document translations; Books of Residents, BMD records in Lodz and environs; prepared Excel spreadsheet and family tree in Word
Selerowicz , Andrzej
slow response to email june 2016
Galicia/ Poland; 2007/2008 Peter Haas Archive Research/document translations
Shirochin, Dmitry
Russia, Ukraine, Belarus
2015, 2016
Michael Chepovetsky Archive Research/document translations. In all locations where my family lived, Dmitry found archived documents going back to late 18th century. He also recommended a few resources I had never heard of and that produced unexpected exciting results. A true researcher, very thorough and knowledgeable.
Silverman, Janette
New York Galicia/Poland; Vilnius, Eishyshok, Lithuania, Ostryna
2014, 2015
Robert & Nancy Kravetz Archive Research/document translations. City Guide. Photos. It involved locating living relatives in the US, Europe, Israel, Argentina, &v Holocaust victims records. Comprehensive digitalfamily trees, descendancy reports, including extensive notes, charts, sources were created & over 100 documents found.
Smid, Jakub; Czech Republic Czech Republic; 2007/2008 Peter Haas Archive Research/document translations
Toma, Andreea; Bucharest, Romania Romania; 2015 Steven Taubman Archive Research. Document Translations. Ms. Toma researched vital records for my family in the archives in Bucharest. She provided photos and translations of vital records she found.
Vandor,Karesz; Budapest, Hungary Hungary Slovakia
Deborah Long Paula Zeitlin Archive Research/document translations. City Guide. Location of cousins in Hungary. I have had a great experience with him. He speaks and reads a variety of languages, including Hungarian, English, and Hebrew. Not only did he help me locate my missing cousins, he is an excellent tour guide. Travel guide/translator/driver to ancestral village and other sites in Northeastern Slovakia. Speaks and reads English, Hebrew and several other languages. Very congenial and knowledgeable, made it a very meaningful experience. Research B/M/D and census data in Hungary/Slovakian archives prior to and during our visit, found records for many relatives including ggggf, drove us to visit cemetery and ancestral villages in Northern Slovakia; toured Budapest.
Znamirowski, Zenon;
Poland; Poland;
Genia Hollander Research projects related to Forefathers Traces Tours. Wrote to the USC in Suwalki and obtained relevant documents for my family; researched other areas i.e. Wasilishok-Lida and advises of new developments. (since June2017)
Abraham, Vera; Szeged, Csongrad County, Hungary; www.
did not respond to email june 2016
Hungary; Somogy County and Szeged;
Agnes Sotet Archive Research/document translations/Photos. Vera is very familiar with cemeteries. She published books and essays on these. Can also help with visits to cemeteries
Zborovskaya, Elena; Belarus Lithuania; Belarus 2017-Present Paul Zoglin Archive research and document translation. Very efficient and works quickly. Speaks good english.


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Page created: March 2010;  Data last updated: 06-Oct-2023
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